Packaging and Builds

IdentityServer consists of a number of nuget packages.


nuget github

Contains the core IdentityServer object model, services and server. Core only contains support for in-memory configuration and user stores - but you can plug-in support for other stores via the configuration. This is what the other repos and packages are about.

Configuration stores

Storage of configuration data (clients and scopes) as well as runtime data (consent, token handles, refresh tokens).

Entity Framework nuget github

(Community contribution) MongoDb github

User stores

Support for identity management libraries.

MembershipReboot nuget github
ASP.NET Identity nuget github


Protocol plugins.

WS-Federation nuget github

Access token validation middleware

OWIN middleware for APIs. Provides an easy way to validate access tokens and enforce scope requirements.

nuget github

Dev builds

In addition we publish dev/interim builds to MyGet. Add the following feed to your Visual Studio if you want to give them a try: