Schema Changes and Migrations
As IdentityServer3 is enhanced, it is likely that database schema changes will occur. In anticipation of schema changes, it is recommended (and expected) that the hosting application will be responsible for handling these schema changes over time.
Entity Framework provides migrations (more info here and here) as an approach to deal with schema changes and updating your database with those changes.
There are three different DbContext
-derived classes contained in the EF implementation. They are:
These will be needed since the database context classes are in a different assembly (i.e. IdentityServer3.EntityFramework
) than the hosting application.
Enabling migrations
A migration must be created for each database context class. To enable migrations for all of the database context classes, the command below can be used from the the package manager console:
Enable-Migrations -MigrationsDirectory Migrations\ClientConfiguration -ContextTypeName ClientConfigurationDbContext -ContextAssemblyName IdentityServer3.EntityFramework -ConnectionStringName IdSvr3Config
Enable-Migrations -MigrationsDirectory Migrations\ScopeConfiguration -ContextTypeName ScopeConfigurationDbContext -ContextAssemblyName IdentityServer3.EntityFramework -ConnectionStringName IdSvr3Config
Enable-Migrations -MigrationsDirectory Migrations\OperationalConfiguration -ContextTypeName OperationalDbContext -ContextAssemblyName IdentityServer3.EntityFramework -ConnectionStringName IdSvr3Config
The the initial schema must then be defined (again one for each migration). Replace the tokens $ProjectRootNamespace$
by the actual root namespace of your project and create initial schema migrations like this:
Add-Migration -Name InitialCreate -ConfigurationTypeName $ProjectRootNamespace$.Migrations.ScopeConfiguration.Configuration -ConnectionStringName IdSvr3Config
Add-Migration -Name InitialCreate -ConfigurationTypeName $ProjectRootNamespace$.Migrations.ClientConfiguration.Configuration -ConnectionStringName IdSvr3Config
Add-Migration -Name InitialCreate -ConfigurationTypeName $ProjectRootNamespace$.Migrations.OperationalConfiguration.Configuration -ConnectionStringName IdSvr3Config
And then the database can be created, again replace $ProjectRootNamespace$
with your root namespace:
Update-Database -ConfigurationTypeName $ProjectRootNamespace$.Migrations.ClientConfiguration.Configuration -ConnectionStringName IdSvr3Config
Update-Database -ConfigurationTypeName $ProjectRootNamespace$.Migrations.ScopeConfiguration.Configuration -ConnectionStringName IdSvr3Config
Update-Database -ConfigurationTypeName $ProjectRootNamespace$.Migrations.OperationalConfiguration.Configuration -ConnectionStringName IdSvr3Config
Once your application updates to a new version, then you can use Add-Migration
and Update-Database
to update to the new schema. Check the EF documentation for more details.
Providing Standard scopes
You can provide the standard scopes within the DB by using the seed method within the ScopeConfiguration/Configuration.cs.
protected override void Seed(IdentityServer3.EntityFramework.ScopeConfigurationDbContext context)
//Providing standard scopes
foreach (var standardScope in StandardScopes.All)
if (!context.Scopes.Any(s => s.Name == standardScope.Name))
if (!context.Scopes.Any(s => s.Name == StandardScopes.Roles.Name))
if (!context.Scopes.Any(s => s.Name == StandardScopes.OfflineAccess.Name))